The Malisko Guide to Securing and Managing Your Industrial Network

Everything you need to know. When you need it, at your fingertips.

Today, both your OT and your IT teams can have full access to the visibility they need. Shared, unified, and real-time visibility into everything that’s happening on the industrial network. System status. Health diagnostics. Security vulnerabilities. All on a single pane of glass—so they can fix problems as they arise.

The Solution Diagram

Here’s how it all adds up:

  • With Cisco Industrial Network Director (IND), your people can monitor industrial infrastructure devices on the network, see how they’re connected to endpoints, browse topology maps, and perform routine network management tasks.

  • With Cisco Cyber Vision, you’ll solidify your security posture by monitoring and analyzing the communication patterns on your network to immediately detect anomalous traffic and report security vulnerabilities.

  • With Frontedge OT Vitals, you’ll complete the picture. You’ll aggregate health and diagnostic information from many data sources—including IND and Cyber Vision—to get a single-pane-of-glass view of the health status of your overall industrial IT environment.